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Take the quiz of how deep you are in the matrix and read why it is crucial to do your own research in a world of skewed news that shape our perception of reality.

When Morpheus gives Neo the choice between the red and the blue pill in the famous Matrix scene, the character of hacker Thomas Anderson opts for the red one. The hero Neo, alias Keanu Reeves, prefers the bitter truth to the enticing illusion of the Matrix. A decision that changes his life in milliseconds: Beyond the tempting computer simulation, the so-called Matrix, the hard, real life is underground, determined by the eternal struggle against the agents who abuse humans as a source of energy.


"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."

The Matrix


That was at the end of the 1990s and it was a movie. One that left deep traces within me. It was the era long before social media would revolutionise the media and lay foundation to an assessment culture by the invention of the Like-button. What started with an innocent thumb up, was continued with harvesting data and profiling users on a global scale and resulted in a new un-culture of framing and cancelling people.

In the year 2020 I had a Matrix-like awakening in terms of how much the news outlets are manipulating us. As a former media executive I felt compelled to do what most of the main stream media failed to do: To research the full range of information available. Here I am sharing a small selection of the results of my inquiry.


This is how it works: The more questions you'll answer with no, the deeper you are in the matrix.

The European Union allowed Shellac (E904) and Carmine (E120) to be added in food products, like m&m's, Kinder Schokobons and many more. While Shellac derives from the insect Laccifer Lacca, Carmine is obtained by processing cochineal beetles which was rebranded as Carmine according to this EU Commission Regulation document from the year 2018:

"In the Annex to Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 the entry for ‘E 120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines’ is replaced by the following: ‘E 120 CARMINIC ACID, CARMINE..." (Annex, p. 3)

I don't know how the responsible people got away with the fact, that these products remain unlabelled. Please read my recommendations below how you can protect yourself.

You think this is unappetising? Wait for the pill, that contains freeze-dried human feces. Unfortunately it is not a joke as various articles like the one in the Science Magazine prove.

Have you known that it is possible to manipulate the nervous system of humans by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set? Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. Discover the Google patent that was filed in June, 2001. Ever asked yourself why this hasn't been reported in the media and what other studies might have been done in this field ever since?

Some of the greatest works of literature were flagged as potential signs of far-Right extremism. A report by Prevent’s Research Information and Communications Unit (RICU) described how far-right extremists promoted ‘reading lists’ on online bulletin boards. The document includes references to The Lord Of The Rings by JRR Tolkien, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and1984 by George Orwell and lots of others. Here you'll find the full list of censored works.

Despite mass media had emphasised the novelty of the virus, the first human corona virus straints were found in 1965 by Tyrrell and Bynoe. Besides, on February 2016, the National Academies Press published a review about a Workshop held in Washington dealing with Rapid Medical Counter Measure (MCM) Response to Infectious Diseases. In the review you'll find statements like:

The quote was made by Peter Daszak, three years before the pandemic changed the world. Daszak, one of the scientists who is believed to divert the public from the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory. A scandal which is well documented in the article on the British Medical Journal (BMJ) by Paul Thacker.


The media consolidation in the last decades has confronted us with a new share of media control in the West: 37 years ago 50 companies were in charge of the media in the United States: Now 90% of the American media is controlled by six corporations (AT&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, Newscorp and Viacom). Have you ever asked yourself who the institutional holders of these huge media corporations are? It is the Big Three:


"BlackRock and Vanguard are two of the Big Three (every industry is clumping) passive fund asset management firms. The third, State Street, is owned by BlackRock. Whose largest shareholder is Vanguard."


You know what is interesting as well? The same Big Three also happen to be the major shareholders of some of the biggest companies in the Pharma, Tech, Food, Finance and Weapon Industry. What a coincidence!

Here is a PDF with more Screenshots about the Top Institutional Holder with a selection of the biggest firms in Media, Hi-Tech, Pharma, Food, Finance and Weapon Industry. You are welcome!

If you want to know more about this issue I suggest you research about the ESG-Score and how it used to serve as an efficient tool to "blackmail" corporations into following a specific agenda. In general whenever you want to get some answers, it is best to follow the money, like this article proves.


It is uncle Sam and Bill! That is why it does not surprise that Tedros Ghebreyseus, the Director-General of the WHO, used to be a board member of GAVI - The Global Alliance for Vaccines after having served as Foreign and Health minister in the Ethiopian TPLF. Have you read about the rumours that made it to the front page of THE TIMES? Tedros denies the allegations as a smear campaign and fact-checkers put a lot of efforts to suffocate the severe allegations against him. One of the things I noticed during my research: The more resources fact-checkers spend on a specific subject, the higher the probability that the news might actually be factual. Like it happened in this case.

Results Report 2022, WHO Website

In my post THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUTH I write more about the WHOs treaty for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPPR) summarised under the approach One Health, the media made "truth" and the ambivalent nature of fact-checkers.

Coming from the left and right, the Westminster Declaration is signed by journalists, artist, authors, activists, technologists, academics who are deeply concerned about attempts to label protected speech as ‘misinformation,’ ‘disinformation,’ and other ill-defined terms. The abuse of these terms has resulted in the censorship of ordinary people and journalists all over the world. The declaration is a commitment to universal human rights and freedom of speech:


"(...) Through deplatforming and flagging, social media censors have already silenced lawful opinions on topics of national and geopolitical importance. They have done so with the full support of ‘disinformation experts’ and ‘fact-checkers’ in the mainstream media, who have abandoned the journalistic values of debate and intellectual inquiry.

As the Twitter Files revealed, tech companies often perform censorial ‘content moderation’ in coordination with government agencies and civil society. Soon, the European Union’s Digital Services Act will formalise this relationship by giving platform data to ‘vetted researchers’ from NGOs and academia, relegating our speech rights to the discretion of these unelected and unaccountable entities."

From The Westminster Declaration



I don't refer to Skynet, the Superintelligent System from the movie Terminator. I am talking about the Skynet Software that exists in real life, more precisely in China as a tool of mass surveillance. Hundred millions of cameras allow the Communist Government to trace people by face recognition in real time and ensure the maintenance of its Social Credit System, which was introduced to the public at the same time as the world declared the pandemic. Ever since then, Chinese citizens with high scores are rewarded with access to travel visas, 5-star hotels and restaurants, they get better matches on flirting apps, while those privileges are unattainable for people with lower scores.

Before the pandemic, there was a great outrage about the Chinese Social Score in the Western press: The Guardian called it an "orwellian tool of mass surveillance", The New York Times "a dystopian dream", while the London Times named it "1984 algorithm to control life in China". It is all the more astonishing that post pandemic main stream media are not keeping up with investigating it. Even though Smart Citizen Wallet has already been introduced in Bologna, Italy and the Ukraine already has combined Universal Basic Income, a Digital Identity and a Immunisation Passport in their App called Diia. A disastrous combination that enables the Ukrainian government to pass a bill that could freeze the bank accounts of men who are trying to dogde the draft, as Reuters reported.

Why are the Western mass media silent about one of the most obvious threats of our times? Is it because the Chinese Government successfully sold their Skynet Software to more Western countries that we might dare to think of? What more do we need in order to acknowledge that if we don't resist, the Social Score is going to determine our future in the West as well?

Do you agree with me that if farmers (in the Netherlands, Scotland, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Sweden) are protesting, it would be all over the news? Because if the farmers are striking, a shortage of food might be a logical consequence? A story that would fulfill all the criteria of news values, right?

Well, not in this case: Because the anger of the farmers addresses the constraints of the European Union to fight climate change, the protests are not considered as particularly newsworthy in the main stream media. Here and there one could find some articles, but compared to the extensive coverage of climate activists, the media coverage of the most comprehensive European farmer protest is suspiciously low.

Have you known that according to the Financial Times Irish farmers are pressured to cull up 200'000 cows to meet climate goals? Do you think they would stop after a cow "genocide"? Guess who might be next? I assume it will be our fluffy best friends at home. You read right, the "pawprint" of your cat and dog is already discussed in several media outlets like this Forbes article here. Do you think they will care about our carnivore pets when they consider a potential slaughter of hundreds of thousand of cows?

Think, think again and then ask yourself and answer honestly to yourSELF how many times did you answer NO to the questions above?

The fact that you have read till now shows that you sense something has gone terribly wrong on this planet: Could it be that we have been kept busy and distracted by coping with the fear mongering headlines while the really important facts are more and more hard to find. It is not yet the case that you can not find them at all, they are just not promoted by the agenda of the main stream media. In nowadays noise full of sockpuppets, bots and fact-checkers, you actively need to look for them, what most of the people understandably don't do because they are too busy surviving and living their lives.


Let us not forget, that there has also been lots of good news recently: Norway wants to strengthen the right to pay cash, Louisiana is smashing it with a new bill that bans all rules and mandates from the WHO, WEF and the UN from being enforced in their state and the legislative body of Tennesse just passed a bill (HB1894) intended to prevent vaccines from being incorporated into groceries (edible vaccines). In Germany after the publication of the protocols of the Robert Koch Institute #RKIFiles it seems like the political reevaluation of the Medical Counter Measures during the pandemic seems to be inevitable.

Have you ever asked yourself why the fight against so-called misinformation has become so crucial? Because the bricks in the wall are cracking? More and more people realise that a lot of things are just not adding up. They follow their intuition, their sixth sense and start to question everything.

But, what are we going to do about the revealing facts that contradict our perception of reality? The easiest way to deal with information that doesn't match our perspective is denial. It is easier to call someone a conspiracy theorist or an anti-semite than confronting ourselves with information that is hard to digest. Bearing the probability that we might have been played, fooled and even betrayed by the very institutions who are supposed to protect us is definitely the harder path to walk: It is the red pill to take.


During my research it became quite obvious to me that this IS the Matrix-Terminator-Truman-Show-Hunger-Games-Moment of our era, the most delicate moment of our times, because it has never been more crucial to see clearly and act on whether we want to resist the plan of our socially engineered societies or if we start to play an active part in shaping our future by reinventing ourselves for the sake of our children? Do we have the courage to break the chains of the technocratic imperatives by liberating ourselves from our lives on automatic mode? Are we brave enough to resist?

The choice is ours.

I suggest we choose wisely.


During my research of the Post-Pandemic-New-Normal I have gone through a process that triggered all of my old patterns. Three years of disillusion forced me to recalibrate, to trust and listen to mySELF. Although it has been painful at some points - thanks to my Yoga practice - I have been able to transform my shadows in a secure setting and eventually have expanded my awareness and experience. This process is still ongoing and I feel there is still so much to transform.

But even though it might not look like it right now, I am more than optimistic that this specific era will lead us into a future of more emotional and spiritual transparency. A future that treasures the intuition and the subtlety of our beings - a world in which love and compassion will be the antidote for the wounds of today's fragmented realities.


"I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin." 

Neo, The Matrix


If you need help coping with what's going on, you can always reach out to me. I will be there for you. Please read my post of how to strengthen yourself WAYS TO BE MORE RESILIENT and keep on reading below if you'd like to know how to defend yourself from a technological point of view.


Facing a technocratic environment doesn't mean you can not minimalise the extent to be spied on by tech companies. Here are some tips how you can maximise your privacy:


If you want to increase your level of online privacy you can ditch Google Chrome and Safari. Check out alternatives like Brave or Qwant, or DuckDuckGo. I recommend to let go of Google Analytics as well. It is an illusion that it is free anyway: You PAY with your personal data, as that is the product Google is dealing with.


Instead of Gmail there are other companies which treasure your privacy more than Google does. Per instance Protonmail, which is having options for a free email address as well. On top of that you can use one VPN for free.


A VPN is a virtual private network - a mechanism for creating a secure connection between a computing device and a computer network. The advantage of a VPN is that your confidentiality is secured even if the network traffic is hacked, an attacker would see only encrypted data, not the raw data.


I started to use screenshots as reminders and proof in the age of AI and censorship. There is also a very useful tool called WayBackMachine. It is an Internet Archive, where you can check older versions of Websites.


Although it might be so seductively easy to use cards, watches and other ways of paying electronically, I still treasure paying cash. During the pandemic - under the disguise of hygiene - there was a huge shift of mindset going on in this regard. But please be aware of the following: The day we only have the possibility to use the digital means of paying - like CBCD is implying - there won't be a way out anymore.

Power abuses like freezing accounts of people who don't comply already happened once in Canada. In case you haven't read about it yet: Here is an article in the Guardian about a verdict of a Canadian court which has ruled that Justin Trudeau’s government was NOT justified when it used sweeping powers to break up the freedom convoy by freezing the accounts of protesters back in February 2022. Ukraine is next: the government is about to issue a bill that would allow it to freeze assets of men who are trying to dodge the draft.

If you don't want this to happen to you in the future, keep on paying in cash. It also makes sense in terms of a potential black-out.


If you agree with me that bugs in the food is gross, you can help spreading the news or/boycott these products/companies. If you and your loved ones don't want to eat bugs, I recommend you better check food declarations carefully for the additives E904, Shellac and E120, Carmine or download an insect scanner. By scanning the barcode with the app you'll get a result of which products contain bugs. There are also websites with "blacklists" of contaminated products, but they might differ from country to country.

Check this page for the UK:

Check this page for german-speaking countries (D/CH/AUT):



If you want to minimalise the extent to be spied on, shut Siri off. Make sure that it is not only switched off in the main settings of your smartphone, but also in all the apps separately. When using iPhones, you have to manually switch off Siri in ALL the apps.


Don't participate in funny games like How high is your IQ, How would you look as an Avatar, Hippie etc....., Which type are you.... Never give any personal details or face scans to an unknown source. Not for a Face Yoga App, not for a funny Avatar-meme.

Instagram is encouraging people to get the verified badge in exchange of a passport copy. I would never ever do that. In Facebook groups you can get points in order to be a top contributor. Ask yourself: What for exactly? To brag with some points? To make the transition to a Social Score smoother?

I also recommend to never give any medical records to any app or handy form. Remember: Your medical record is confidential and it should not be given away to a high-tech company or an unknown app creator company. Information is the "oil" of nowadays era, so be very careful where to expose any of it. Besides: Everything that is collected online, theoretically could be hacked.


Although it is very tempting because the cables cannot get entangled anymore, but while wearing these earphones without a cable, you are exposed to another WIFI generated electromagnetic field close to your head that I recommend you to avoid for the sake of your well being.


Question everything. The main stream narratives, the fact-checkers and everything and everyone who pretends to own the truth. The truth can only be found within. The quest to find and follow YOUR truth is the task of your soul's journey.

I hope you are also critical about what I wrote. I really would like to invite you to do your own research. With the further implementation of the Digital Service Act, enforced by the European Union, combined with the huge impact of Sockpuppets, bots and avatars and other forms of AI it will become harder to find the full range of information in the future.


That leads me to my final recommendation: Resarch, Resist and Reinvent yourSELF by being brave and letting go of old beliefs. It is like emptying the junk of your subconscious that has piled up within. It feels very liberating to get reborn, once the rubbish is removed from your system.

If you'd feel to exchange your thoughts, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

This quiz got you curious? Check out my post about HOW TO BE MORE RESILIENT and NURTURING YOUR SOUL IN A DIGITAL AGE and THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUTH.

DEFINITION: a sockpuppet is as a fictitious online identity created for the purposes of deception. Sockpuppets are usually created in large numbers by a single controlling person or group. They are typically used for block evasion, creating false majority opinions, vote stacking, and other similar pursuits.

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Apr 18, 2024

The rabbit hole is so deep. Hoping more people will open their eyes to see.

Unknown member
Apr 19, 2024
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I feel more and more people are getting aware. <3 Lots of love to you.


Apr 04, 2024

Wow, thank you for that, really appreciate your work.

Unknown member
Apr 04, 2024
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Thanks for your appreciation! ♥️


Apr 03, 2024

Eye-opening! Thank you!

Unknown member
Apr 04, 2024
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Thank you for your feedback. 😍


About Me


Kavalya Dhyan is my spiritual name. It was given to me according to the numerology of my birth date. I chose to get it because it helps me to connect to the infinite part of me -

my soul. 



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