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Hi, I am Kavalya Dhyan, this is my spiritual name. It was given to me according to the numerology of my birth date and it helps me to connect with the infinite part of me - my soul. 


Practicing Yoga is a gift to myself, it is an act of self-cultivation and self-love. After having been a dedicated Hatha Yogini for more than a decade I fell in love with Kundalini Yoga in 2019. By becoming more aware of my patterns, I was able to transform, grow and to be more present.


In order to keep myself sane in this fast paced, media dominated age we are living in, I consider a daily Yoga practice as a necessity. By sharing milestones of my spiritual journey I would like to give back some of the treasures I have gotten on my Yoga path so far. 


With my stories and classes I would like to inspire other souls to taste from the fruits of a regular Yoga practice. It took me almost 40 years to realise that the mind is not the one to trust. The only force - that can take all the tension of the universe - and the one we really can rely on is the power of the heart.


This blog is my personal temple of expression, growth and healing. I would love to share it with everybody who is open and inspired to join the spirit of love for Yoga and to spread love as such. Join me on my journey and start to be part of the community. 


It must sound corny, but actually it is pretty simple: Love truly is the antidote for everything and it starts with the love and care for ourSELF.

















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