We tend to criticise our bodies out of a variety of reasons instead of worshipping them for giving us the experience of life on Earth. So I felt the need to thank my body for everything it has done for me.

Photo by Alain Simon
My dear body,
thanks for letting me live and grow within you:
You blessed me with the biggest gift on Earth:
You gave me a life.
Thanks to your finity I can comprehend my infinity
Thanks to your talents I am a masterpiece
created from two mere cells
You were kind enough to grow me some limbs,
you gave me a heart, a brain, even a pair of eyes
You were generous with all the rest:
You haven’t forgotten anything
you didn’t need any help from no one
no reminder, no clock
You just did it
You are the highest form of intelligence
Mother nature at its best
You don’t need an algorithm for being outstanding
You are immaculate
Without trying to be perfect
You are old school indeed
You are a real home for my soul
Thanks for each breath you take, thanks for every beat of my heart
Thanks for all the other billion jobs you manage to do for me
every moment, every day, year by year
Thanks for being resilient when I am feeling weak
Thanks for not resenting me when I am overruling you with my mind
Thanks for being forgiving when I shame you without reasons
Thanks for teaching me all the lessons I have to learn
Thanks for healing fast when I am hurt
Thanks for never letting me down
Thanks for letting me fly while melting with another body
Thanks for letting me grow the most incredible creature in my womb
Thanks for nurturing it with your precious milk
Thanks for being so unique
Thanks to you I know that a whole universe is within me
My dear body, I truly appreciate and love you
I thank you from the bottom of my heart
It is the only place within you
That can take it all