HAR HARE HARI ... HOORAY - After years of talking about it: It finally IS happening. I couldn't be more happy and grateful to share my love for Yoga with all of you.
This space is meant to grow a community of souls who are interested in Yoga and a conscious lifestyle as such. This blog is a global temple for warriors of love whose strongest weapon is positive vibration by cultivating self-love, self-care and compassion for every being.
This space is going to grow. There will be more features coming soon. If you'd like to be up to date, I recommend you to connect with me by my new Instagram account.
"Do what you love, love what you do."
I would love to know more about you in a personal message. Is there something you would like to share or promote? A retreat? An invention that will help us all? Is there any other inputs, collaborations, critique you would like to express?
I would be honoured to read from you.
Sat Nam